First Priority

Happy New Year everyone!

Well that’s the expectation at least, but in reality I haven’t had the happiest first couple of days of 2017. In addition to the slight inconvenience of my laptop being broken (it’s currently being fixed and I should have it back in a few days), I have been dealing with my personal mental health issues. However I am trying to keep up with WTS and I’ve made solid progress the past two weeks.

I video chatted with Grace and we finished the script for the first video in the web series, and made plans to film this Sunday, the 8th. We hope to have the second script also done by this weekend so we can film both videos at one time. When the whole group meets on the 14th, we will record the voiceover for the videos, since we don’t have the mic. I also need to edit the workshop as we will be presenting it on the 17th at Sharon Academy, and since that’s happening so soon it’s first priority.

In addition to that, Eva and I had a quick check-in with Courtney on google hangouts yesterday.

I think our group needs more forward motion but I know that we all are helping each other to get there.


Fiona Nelson

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