#7 Dear Daughters: Exploring Body Image and Generational Insight

This retreat was a great experience for making meaningful connections with everyone and finding exciting, engaging topics to pursue. We had so many good discussions as an entire group and also within our individual groups.  Everyone got to know each other a lot better, especially on Saturday night, with a competitive game of Anomia.  We also out in our rooms, watching Netflix and getting to know each other.


On Sunday, we really started to solidify the focus and goal of our groups.  The group which I’m part of is called Dear Daughters, a title that reflects what we hope to achieve-spreading the wisdom and insight mothers want to share with their daughters regarding body image, and vice versa. We hope to create a dialogue where both mothers and daughters can feel heard and understand each other better when addressing the difficult topic of body image.  We want them to be able to hear each other’s perspectives and those of other mothers and daughters. Hopefully, this will create an environment of more open communication for mothers to help their daughters who may be struggling with body image issues.  We understand that our focus may shift, but for now, we really want to focus on the mothers/daughters aspect of body image and how they can impact each other through meaningful conversation.


We got a lot done-notes, formatting a basic email to send out to mothers, daughters, and organizations that deal with the topic, creating an Instagram page, email account, and assigning tasks as well as creating a group chat and a date and time to check in. We worked together well in completing our plan and figuring out our immediate next steps.  We’re ready to dive into our topic and find as much information as we can before the next WTS meeting.

Adelle MacDowell

One Response to “#7 Dear Daughters: Exploring Body Image and Generational Insight

  • Adelle,
    I absolutely LOVE this idea! It has a lot of potential to become a really good resource for mothers and daughters alike. I can’t wait to see the final product!

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