Posts by Anna Buteau

May Retreat – Jumping and Falling are Sometimes Synonymous

This is not educational learning. Not in a traditional sense. This is not about learning facts or concepts. This is...

March Retreat: Medium Gay

At first, I didn’t want to work with freshmen. I’ve always been the person who wants to work in a...

Make War, Not “Peace”

We’re teaching girls to be quiet and submissive. We’re teaching girls to make themselves as small as possible, to starve...

When You Hear Something Many Times…

You start to believe it. I know I do. Ok so this post is completely unnecessary but I’ve been thinking...

Setbacks and Struggles

Dear Smashing Sexism and WTS: It’s been an interesting week. In any case, Smashing Sexism has made significant progress in...


I will remember the intense stomach pains of this weekend far better than I will remember anything else. I will...

Gender of the Day: Dragon

Conclusion: People are ignorant. They either don’t know about gender bias or can’t recognize it when it’s right in front...

November Retreat: Anomia & Alliteration

With five hours of sleep and too much coffee in my system, I pulled onto the dirt road and into...

#8 – The Ultimate Goals

I want to make dress codes in Vermont schools gender neutral, equally enforced, and less restrictive. I want to present...

#7 – What Can Happen in 120 Seconds

Think of something that happens every two minutes. Do you check your phone? Have a conversation with someone? Look at...

# 6 – Dress Code Mind Map

Sorry, it’s kind of unreadable…

#5: We Can’t Ignore The Violence

Love unites people. So cheesy, I know. But I’m not just talking about love for each other. I’m talking about...

#4 – Why We’re Ashamed of Our Bodies

“Your legs are gross and nobody wants to look at them. Cover them up.” That’s what I hear when you...

#3 If You Choose Silence, You’re Choosing the Side of the Oppressor

The woman stumbles up to the counter, her hunched body draped in layers of clothes that look as if they...

#2: Issues of Social Inequality

When I applied for What’s The Story, I believed I wanted to research the healthcare system in Vermont, and figure...

#1: Here to Make a Change

I’m here because I want to make a positive impact on the community. I want to change the way we...